
Japanese Holiday

It was soooo great to see Kumiko again! after a long time...
I was blessed hanging out with her all day on Monday.

People tell me I've been talking about food all the time lately. I don't know what's up....
But, we started our day with YAKINIKU! That was a great lunch.
All MEAT you can eat!!!
We were (or I was) eating all the meat Yo-shi- was cooking.
Gomen ne, Yo-shi-. ><
And then bowling on base. Freezing as always!!?
Wonderful day with beautiful people! ^^

4 件のコメント:

Tim, Ayu, Masaki & Tomoki さんのコメント...


Mark Davis さんのコメント...

Natsuki, looking at these pictures and reading your blog just gave me the biggest smile today. I praise God for my Okinawa 'family!' I can't thank you all enough for the blessings I enjoy because of everyone there. I miss you all! You are all in my prayers.
In His Service because of His love,

匿名 さんのコメント...

Kumiko! How are you doing!? We miss all the girls that came out to Cali this summer. Hope the Lord is blessing ya'll!

Love, Jamie

匿名 さんのコメント...

Cool Blog Natsuki....I just found it tonight looking at Daniel's. Imagine my surprise to see Kumiko!?? HI KUMIKO!! George and I were sad we didn't get to see you when we were there last December. Guess you need to come back to California now! haha Miss ALL you girls! God Bless! Love Patti