& 最近の私 from mixi.
うーん 多分8年くらい。
固まってた、変わるはずない と思ってた、自分の中の、
~ある一面の変化~ に最近気づきはじめている真っ最中。 不思議な気持ち。
I never thought this part of me would ever change ever since 8 years ago,
but I've been seeing lately that it's been different and somehow changed.
I wonder if my Creator wants to do something new in me.
My Creator が何かしようとしているのかしら。
in His hand, by His hand, で変わっていく自分、
knowing that it's all for His glory, He is doing His work in me.
楽しみで幸せな人生 in His plan, only when you are in His hand.
Life is exciting when in the hands of Almighty.
2 件のコメント:
What part has changed! Ahh, I can't read Japanese! You ddi that on purpose!
Just kidding!
I did not of course! I didn't say anything much even in Japanese yo. He is good at changing us. ^^ How I pray I will be willing to His leading at all time.